Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I know I am late... Its my blog I can be late if I want

I found these dresses at Childrens Place ( which is one of my favorites!) for half off!! I thought that they were super cute and my girls LOVE them!!
Mitz and Danea
Momma and her baby!! She really loves me the most as you can tell in the picture!! hahah

Ana kept on running away so we finally let her stand!! haha I LOVE MY FAMILY! I hope everyone had a great Easter.


  1. Your girls so SO BEAUTIFUL in their dresses!!!

  2. Charity...your girls are so adorable!!! :)

  3. What darling little girls. I love the dresses

  4. Ha ha, ahhh Charity you make me laugh! You're right its your blog you can be late if you want! LOL...the girls are just beautiful, and it does look like Danea loves you best, I think Russell loves me best too ;)
