HAPPY EASTER!! I know I am late... Its my blog I can be late if I want
I found these dresses at Childrens Place ( which is one of my favorites!) for half off!! I thought that they were super cute and my girls LOVE them!!
Mitz and Danea
Momma and her baby!! She really loves me the most as you can tell in the picture!! hahah
Ana kept on running away so we finally let her stand!! haha I LOVE MY FAMILY! I hope everyone had a great Easter.
Mitz has been counting down the days since Zoe was about 2 and a half for the day she can play basketball on a team and he can be her coach! Well the time has come. Zoe started basketball this year!!
Besides having the ball hit her in the face I believe every single game and leaving with some sort or new sore,SHE HAD A BLAST!She started the year not being strong enough to get the ball to the basket and ended the year with 3 baskets in one game!! My job every Friday night, as we watched Zoe play basketball was to contain 3 children who just wanted to be playing basketball with their dad like their sister. Trying to do this without looking like the CRAZY LADY WITH 4 LITTLE GIRLSis no small task!!
Sweet Danea who is pretty easy to handle seeing how she is tied down and cant move
Maria, she loved to pose for the camera and can wait until she turns 5 so daddy can be her basketball coach!!
Ana on the other had just wanted to be set free so she can run and do whatever she feels like!!! She made sure everyone knew when she wanted to get out of the stroller. Which was THE ENTIRE TIME!!
Ana thinks she is soo hilarious!! and you can not stay mad at this cute little girl for long!! She is obviously sucking her thumb which she is not allowed to do and she knows it. Which is why she is smiling
I am happily married to my husband of 8 years and a mother of 4 girls ranging in ages 6 years to 19 months. I enjoy being a stay at home mom along with a Shelf Reliance Consultant. I spend my time scrapbooking, working out, playing with my girls and dates with my husband.